How to integrate with SalesForce

A custom form on your website page can be integrated with SalesForce to send the forms submissions data directly to a list in your SalesForce account.

To add SalesForce integration to your custom form, in the form edit screen click on the Integrations -> Add:


Then click on “Configure”:


Log into your SalesForce account to get your security token. Here are the steps you need to take:

Click on Personal Information -> Reset Security Token:


After you got the token, copy and paste it in the integrations window in our platform. Save your settings, then click on Create New button to add a new integration:



Create field mappings to “connect” the fields on your form to the attributes (fields) in your SalesForce account. You must create mappings for all fields that are required in your SalesForce account (for instance, if ‘Company’ and ‘Last Name’ are required fields in your SalesForce account, then you must map them to the fields on your form).


To check that your integration is working, open your form in a browser and submit it with test data. The information should appear on your SalesForce account on the “Leads” page.