How to create a page for a giveaway or a contest

To create a page for a giveaway or contest, you would typically need to set up the following components:
1. A landing page with a form to collect participants information.
2. Rules regarding the contest, clearly visible to your participants. You may need your participants to specifically acknowledge that they agree to the rules by checking off on a checkbox. You may also require that participants confirm their age eligibility.
3. A destination page to send your participants to after they fill out the form.




First, create a page with the rules of your contest:



To build the above page, we’ve added an image as the page background, with the background option “cover”. Then we’ve added a Text widget, and set its content background to a semi-transparent white.


Second, create the main landing page for your contest:


On this page we’ve added the following widgets: Picture, Form, Text (for the short version of the rules) and the Link Button (linking to the Rules page).

Mouseover the Form widget and click on the Edit icon to open the Form Edit screen:


For the form, we’ve added two checkbox fields: one for the age eligibility confirmation, and the other – for rules acknowledgment. Both are marked as “required” (meaning that the participant will not be able to submit the form without checking off on both).  The form is set to notify the administrator via email when a new participant registers. Optionally, we can also configure the “auto-responder” section to send an immediate message back to the participant.

And finally, we’ve placed a Link Button at the bottom of the page, linking it to the contest rules page we’ve created earlier.

All form submissions are saved in your admin control panel. To see the full list of registrations and download it to Excel, go back to the site dashboard and click on the Leads / Contacts link there.